A New Year

Happy Holidays! I’m writing this update from what feels like an entirely new desk setup. For Christmas, I received the Keychron K8 Pro, a Grovemade desk shelf clone, and an articulating desk lamp. To say I’m grateful, spoiled, and privileged would all be understatements. I hope you have also enjoyed your holidays and are keeping well with your friends and loved ones.

Another privilege is that I’ve been able to take three full weeks off work for the holidays. December 16 was my last day worked and I will be returning on January the 9th. I usually attempt to take at least a week if not two this time of year to recharge, reset and prepare for the year ahead. Three weeks off was truly fantastic given how Christmas fell on a weekend this year, having the week leading up to prepare was much needed. We hosted my partner’s parents and my mother for Christmas, regrettably, my brother-in-law and his wife could not make it - he’s a linesman with NB Power so was working all Christmas. A trip to Saint John, Moncton, and then Florenceville concluded our family time. Who knew so much food, laughter, and fun could be so exhausting? Even the dog was exhausted by the flurry of coming and going.

With some of my time off I have been able to organize the garage to at least the halfway state of where I want it. Installed some lights my partner received for Christmas in our house. Installed some new digital thermostats in critical heating areas (the den and my office), replaced the gasket for our wood stove, and learned how to properly light said wood stove. Went shopping for some new clothes (yay Christmas Gift Cards!) and got some incredible deals! The best thing I have accomplished so far is relaxation, time to breathe, to stare into the abyss (or the fire), time to read, and just cuddle with Chewie (our dog).

I’ve done some ideating on things that might be worthwhile writing about, which lead me to consider that this medium (my static website blog posts) doesn’t allow for conversation, which could be considered a feature rather than a bug I suppose. There are options such as substack or just tooting threads on topics… Even then I think I’ll just be jabbering into the void. If you read this, like this, and think I should write more in a way that allows for conversation, DM me at one of my links. My Twitter is still alive, for now.

For 2023 I have set a book reading Goal of 30 books, Up from a goal of 16 in 2022. I did manage to read 21 books in 2022 so the idea of reading 30 books in 2023 seems like an achievable stretch goal. I have also set the goal of not buying new books for myself until I have read all the ones that are in my to-read pile. So I may be hanging on to those Chapters gift cards I got for Christmas for a few months.

If this feels mostly like some disjointed rambling, that’s because it is. Welcome to my brain, it’s s scary place.